Implant Failure Reconstruction

Capsular Contracture Breast Reconstruction: When Implants Fail

Capsular Contracture in Breast Reconstruction: Natural Tissue Alternatives - Learn about capsular contracture, its symptoms, and explore the benefits of natural tissue breast reconstruction for lasting results.


Breast Implant Illness Symptoms: Recognizing the Warning Signs

This article discusses breast implant illness symptoms.  In this blog post, we will explore breast implant illness symptoms and introduce an alternative to implant reconstruction known as natural tissue perforator flap reconstruction. Breast implants are considered foreign objects by the body, and when they are inserted, the immune system may respond by activating immune [...]

Implant Failure Risks After Chemotherapy or Radiation

This article discusses implant failure risks after chemotherapy or radiation.  Natural tissue breast reconstruction and breast implant reconstruction are both options for women who have undergone treatment for breast cancer. Natural tissue reconstruction involves using the patient's own tissue, typically from another part of the body, to create a new breast mound. This can [...]


Multiple and Delayed Flaps in Breast Reconstruction | Presentation by Dr. Joshua L. Levine

Dr. Levine discusses multiple and delayed flaps in breast reconstruction. For a plastic surgeon in order to reconstruct a cosmetically appropriate shaped & sized breast, the more volume of tissue that we have to deal with the better outcome we can provide and the more beautiful and aesthetic breast we can reconstruct.

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