Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Breast reconstruction surgery for breast cancer is performed to replace skin, breast tissue, and the nipple removed during a mastectomy.



A new breast can be created at the time of the mastectomy (“immediate reconstruction”) or at a separate, later surgery (“delayed reconstruction”).

BRCA / Hereditary Risk

BRCA / Hereditary Risk

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are inherited gene mutations that increase breast cancer risk. Following the mastectomy, perforator flap breast reconstruction can be done to restore that natural look and feel.

Unsatisfactory Breast Reconstruction & Implant Failure

Unsatisfactory Breast Reconstruction & Implant Failure

Whether it be that the patient is unhappy with their shape, size, or symmetry or has experienced breast implant failure, perforator flap breast reconstruction is the best option for correction.

Poland Syndrome & Congenital Breast Disorders

Poland Syndrome & Congenital Breast Disorders

Perforator flap breast reconstruction is a commonly sought solution for the breast(s) impacted by congenital breast disorders.

Natural Tissue Breast Augmentation

Natural Tissue Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation can involve a reduction, or the use of fat, referred to as fat transfer breast augmentation, to increase the size of your breasts or restore breast volume that has been lost.

Indications for Breast Reconstruction & Breast Augmentation

There are many reasons why a woman would choose breast reconstruction, the most common of which is following mastectomy for breast cancer or risk-reducing mastectomy for BRCA and hereditary risk. Additional breast reconstruction surgery may also be sought by women who have experienced poor results or outright failure, as with non-permanent implants.

Breast reconstruction is also sought to correct deformities of congenital breast disorders such as Poland Syndrome and tuberous breast among others. Still other women may look to breast augmentation to enhance or improve the size and shape of their breast.

Regardless of indication, breast reconstruction allows the patient to feel more normal, feminine and a sense of wholeness. Furthermore, studies have shown that breast reconstruction after mastectomy can have significant psychological and emotional benefits for breast cancer patients.