Breast Reconstruction

SHaEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Procedure

In SHaEP surgery, we extend the abdominal flap further by ensuring enough blood supply to the extended area. Like stacked DIEP, we use a second blood vessel to support extra fat in the extended flap, which may include upper hip fat extending towards the back of the patient.

About SHaEP Flap Breast Reconstruction

Donor Site: Abdomen

The SHaEP Flap Breast Reconstruction (stacked hemi-abdominal extended perforator) flap is an excellent option for thin women who need more volume than there is in the center of their abdomen.

SHaEP vs. DIEP Flap:
The ability to extend the traditional abdominal flap out farther depends upon obtaining extra and adequate blood supply for that area. In this operation much like the stacked DIEP, a second blood vessel is harvested to supply the extra fat in the extended area of the abdominal flap. This area comes around towards the back of the patient and incorporates upper hip fat.

With this operation, patients who have been told that they’re too thin for the DIEP operation are now candidates for using their abdomen. No muscle is ever sacrificed in this operation.

SHaEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Procedure
Illustrations & Video

SHaEP Procedure Illustration

(click image to enlarge)

SHaEP Procedure Video

Narrated by Dr. Levine

Common Questions about the SHaEP
Flap Breast Reconstruction Procedure

Most women with breast cancer have enough skin and fat in the stomach area (lower abdomen) to reconstruct one or two breasts. Even for patients who have had prior abdominal surgery, almost everyone is a candidate for this operation. The idea is to use extra skin and fat in the lower abdominal area, take this tissue along with the blood vessel that supplies it, and transplant it to the chest to make new, natural breast.

Usually, when a woman donates tissue from the abdomen, this has the same effect on the abdomen as a tummy tuck.

Both DIEP flap and SHaEP flap utilize tissue from the lower abdomen, but they may differ in the specific areas or layers of tissue used. DIEP flap typically uses the deep layer of tissue, including skin and fat, while preserving the abdominal muscles. On the other hand, SHaEP flap may utilize the superficial layer of tissue, including skin and fat, and may involve a shallower dissection plane.

Gradually, blood vessels and nerves grow into the transferred tissue.  Scars fade, and the end result is a breast reconstruction that looks and feels and behaves exactly like a normal breast. The only difference is that there is no breast tissue inside it, and therefore no risk of breast cancer in the transferred tissue.

The photographs in this section are of actual patients of Dr. Joshua Levine. They have undergone various types of autologous breast reconstruction (perforator free flaps), i.e. DIEP/SIEA, PAP, GAP, delayed, immediate, with nipple-sparing mastectomy, etc. Keep in mind that each patient is unique and results may vary. To view more before & after photos, please contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Natural tissue breast reconstruction has several benefits compared to other methods of breast reconstruction. Here are a few key benefits:

    • It uses a woman’s own natural tissue, which means that it is less likely to be rejected by the body.


    • It doesn’t require the use of implants, which can cause complications such as scarring, infection, and hardening of the breast tissue.


    • It doesn’t sacrifice any muscle, which means that women can retain their natural shape and function.


    • It can be performed at the same time as a mastectomy, which can save time and reduce the overall number of surgeries that a woman needs to undergo.


    • It can help women feel more comfortable and confident in their own bodies, which can improve their quality of life.


Overall, natural tissue breast reconstruction can provide women with a more natural and safe option for restoring their breasts after a mastectomy.

<p style=”text-align: center;”>“Dr. Levine is an outstanding Doctor. He is a wonderful human being and a highly skilled surgeon. My results are nothing short of miraculous. There is no one like Doctor Levine. He is an artist and a true professional.”</p>

Dr. Joshua Levine Breast Reconstruction Surgeon Welcome Text

Dr. Joshua L. Levine, MD, FACS
World Leading Authority in Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction

Based in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut

Meet Dr. Joshua L. Levine,
World-Renowned in the Art and Science of Natural Tissue Breast Reconstruction

Dr. Joshua Levine is a world-renowned perforator flap breast reconstruction surgeon. Meaning, all of his breast reconstruction procedures, are muscle-sparing, using only your own natural tissue to restore your breast(s).

With his advanced techniques, such as stacked combination flaps, or utilizing the delay phenomenon in staged-immediate reconstruction, all women, no matter how thin and no matter what body type, are candidates for natural tissue, muscle-sparing, implant-free breast reconstruction.

As Seen On: US News & World Report,