The following DIEP flap procedure video is narrated by our Director and world-renowned breast reconstruction microsurgeon Dr. Joshua Levine. In this procedure video that utilizes hand-drawn medical illustrations, Dr. Levine explains the DIEP flap procedure that has become the gold standard in natural tissue breast reconstruction.

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Watch our DIEP Flap Procedure Video Below

Dr. Levine is not solely an expert surgeon, however. What sets Dr. Levine and his staff apart is the unprecedented care, compassion, and dedication that is there from your first call to our office, through every step of the process before and after the procedure.

– Carley B.

Dr. Levine and his staff are wonderful. I had a great experience through the double mastectomy and reconstruction. Not only is he a great doctor but a great and wonderful man. I know and work with many doctors where I work in the hospital. There’s no one like Dr. Levine! Thank you for everything!!!

– Deborah A.

Watch our DIEP Flap Procedure Video Below

Dr. Levine is not solely an expert surgeon, however. What sets Dr. Levine and his staff apart is the unprecedented care, compassion, and dedication that is there from your first call to our office, through every step of the process before and after the procedure.

– Carley B.

Dr. Levine’s Advanced Procedure Options

Browse our Before and After Gallery to get a clear idea of the type of results, healing, and recovery our patient’s have found with Dr. Levine.

Dr. Joshua Levine Breast Reconstruction Surgeon Welcome Text

Dr. Joshua L. Levine, MD FACS
World Leading Authority in Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction

Based in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut

DIEP Flap Procedure Video: Meet Your Narrator, Dr. Joshua L. Levine – World-Renowned Natural Tissue Breast Reconstruction Surgeon

Dr. Joshua Levine is a world-renowned perforator flap breast reconstruction surgeon. Meaning, all of his breast reconstruction procedures, are muscle-sparing, using only your own natural tissue to restore your breast(s).

With his advanced techniques, such as stacked combination flaps, or utilizing the delay phenomenon in staged-immediate reconstruction, all women, no matter how thin and no matter what body type, are candidates for natural tissue, muscle-sparing, implant-free breast reconstruction.

As Seen On: US News & World Report,,