Implant Failure
Before & After Breast Reconstruction Surgery Photos
Dr. Joshua Levine’s Patient Results
Implant Failure
Before & After Breast Reconstruction Surgery Photos
Dr. Joshua Levine’s Patient Results
Dr. Joshua Levine has over 15 years experience with Poland Syndrome and other congenital breast disorders such as tuberous breasts. Dr. Levine is a world-renowned perforator flap breast reconstruction surgeon whose had great success applying perforator flap breast reconstruction for congenital breast disorders.
With his advanced techniques, such as stacked combination flaps, or utilizing the delay phenomenon in staged-immediate reconstruction, all women, no matter how thin and no matter what body type, are candidates for natural tissue, muscle-sparing, implant-free breast reconstruction.
Natural tissue breast reconstruction is appropriate for Poland Syndrome and other congenital breast disorders because it returns a woman’s breast to their natural look and feel without the need for implants.